An important administrative centre in the foothills of Giant mountain in the valley of river Úpa. First mentioned in the year 1260. Trutnov is a town since 1360.

In the year 1866 passed an important battle between Austrian and Prussian armies. This event is commemorate with monument on the top of mountain Šibeničník. Former castle from the 13rd century was rebuilt to chateau and destroyed and rebuilt in 17th century. In the 19th century it was changed to school and in 20th century to museum. In the town is found several important buildings from the 19th century (railway station). The important clerical buildings are Jánská chapel from 18th century, classical church Narození Panny Marie and pseudo-romance chapel from the end of 19th century.

City information centre - Krakonošovo nám.72 (Stará radnice), 541 01 Trutnov, tel. 499 818 245, e-mail:

Infocentre Agentura Klíč - Havlíčkova 7, 54101 Trutnov, tel.: +420-499 818 308, +420-499 818 309, e-mail:

Infocentre Lada - Horská 882, Trutnov, tel.: +420-499 710 018

Town-square in TrutnovTown-square in Trutnov
The town square